Sunday, January 06, 2008

Gus, Jazz Bridge, Hot Club

Little Gus is still laboring to get healthy, not quite there yet but seems better. While Harry adores his little bro, it's probably wise to encourage your toddler not to drool on your infant...

I have been asked to join the advisory board of Jazz Bridge and they have been accepted into the youtube non-profit program, which I will be helping them spearhead. My first meeting is Jan. 19, when I will be "voted in" or not! Advisory board members are then in line for board appointments should anyone leave. Current board is comprised of a who's who of jazz in Philly, including Mike Boone, Kevin Eubanks and Bob Perkins. This should be fun, but more volunteer work...such is the nature of jazz I suppose.

Heading to catch the Hot Club of Philly and John Jorgenson show at World Cafe tonight, thanks to a personal invitation from MC Art Howe. Should be a good networking opportunity with some great gypsy jazz.

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